Big Weekend Happenings…

Actually that title is not very accurate. There was not a lot really happening around here this weekend, except cleaning both the house and our computers.

Actually that really isn’t accurate either. Friday counts as the weekend, and we had a terrific Friday. So I guess we did have some “big” happenings.

Ok, so let’s just start over. We had a very fun-filled, productive weekend. How was yours?

Friday J. and I met up with our friends, Michelle and Eric, and had a fantastic picnic (sans kids!) outside of the Greek Theater while we were waiting for our concert to start. We had not very kid-friendly food like wine, brie, french bread, steak and salad. It was delicious.

And then we got to sit out under the stars, in a gorgeous California summer evening and listen to some mighty fine music. (It was quite a musical week for me last week!) We saw Alison Krauss and Union Station, she is a favorite of J’s. I know some of her music and like it alright. But after seeing her Friday, I think I can seriously call myself a fan. It was a great night – and did I mention, we were without kids?

Saturday we took the girls to see Ratatouille. Very cute movie – and amazingly enough, I got to see the entire movie. Addie sat through just about all of it, and since we were on an aisle, just stood for a little bit of it when she got bored. I’m going to call it her “first” real movie since we didn’t spend any of it roaming the hallway outside the theater.

Then we did a lot of the not so “big” stuff. Cleaned. Worked. Cleaned a little more. J. got me an external drive to consolidate all of my pictures, and my new back-up drive also has a back-up! Just. In. Case.

Huge thank you to him for that. Guess how many photos I have between the desktop we have and my laptop where I have been downloading most of my photos since January. Go on…guess!

Go on, guess. I’ll wait.

Ok, ready? I know we have a lot of photos, but even I was a bit surprised by the sheer volume of pictures we have. And remember we have only had a good digital camera since Em was about 6 months old (October 2003), up until that point I took mostly film. (Which also means I have boxes and boxes of photos, too.)

26,309 photos on the pc, just over 7,000 on my laptop.

Now tell me how sick I would have been if I lost them. We have occasionally backed them up to CDs and DVDs, but we have always been sort of half-hearted about it, thinking we would do a better job. I just feel so relieved now that I know every little step, milestone, and smile that has been recorded of my girls has been backed up. And backed up again.

AH! Speaking of photos. Here is one more “big” happening of the weekend.


Yup. Big discussion this morning as she was dry again for the third morning in the bathroom between E., A., and I. (She isn’t dry during naps or at night yet…but I can deal with diapers/pull-ups for that!) We agreed that A. is ready for some big girl underwear. So she and I went and picked some out this afternoon. She kept them dry all afternoon and evening.

*Sigh.* It is so fantastic and I know it just means the girls are growing up. But a little piece of me is so sad. It is her last little vestige of baby-ness, floating away.

4 Responses to “Big Weekend Happenings…”

  1. 1 Colleen July 2, 2007 at 12:57 pm

    aawww…. big girl panties. I know what you mean. I’m not in any rush to be rid of the diapers. It’s one thing that keeps Zoe my “baby”. She’s not interested in the potty much yet…. but I’m sure we’ll get there in the next few months.

  2. 2 Christina July 3, 2007 at 7:13 pm

    Goodness, you have had a fun-filled few days!

    Your “grown up” Friday evening sounds fan-TAS-tic!

    I’m impressed you made it through the whole movie….Nadia won’t even sit still for 30 seconds!

    Wow, now that’s a lot of pictures. :o) Lots and lots of precious memories there. I need to follow your lead and back everything up.

    And YAY Addie for the big girl panties!

  3. 3 Laura McIntyre July 7, 2007 at 11:27 pm

    Yah Addie for the big girl panties – you guys looks like you have fun. That sure is alot of pictures, i have around 5000 saved since my daughter was born in June 2005 – but you have me passed.

  1. 1 Happy Birthday, Meesh! « Barely Controlled Chaos Trackback on July 5, 2007 at 1:20 pm

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