Favorite Holiday Memory ~ Theme Thursday

I thought I would have a hard time picking a favorite holiday memory for today’s Theme Thursday.

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year, but to pick just one favorite memory? That might be a bit of an impossible task for me.

I thought that maybe I would write about Christmas Eve. I love the anticipation – the going to midnight mass, coming out after church to softly falling snow, putting out treats for Santa, snuggling into bed with both my brother and sister and waiting for Christmas morning to come.

And then I thought maybe I would write about the very special Christmas Eve, when J. asked me to marry him – and the Christmas Eve nine years later when he asked me again – definitely ranks as two of the best Christmas gifts on the all-time list.

But today I opened up my email and my Dad had found, and sent me, a copy of the letter. I had tried to write about this Christmas last year, but didn’t do a very good job of re-creating it. When I realized that the letter was attached, I knew there wouldn’t be a photo for today’s Theme Thursday. This memory takes a written form, and I don’t have a photo that captures it nearly as well as this.

The letter that was under the tree on Christmas morning, 1992.

To All Non-Believers

It has come to my attention that a number of you no longer believe
in me and the happiness that my efforts can produce.  You have been
identified as one who no longer wishes to enjoy the receiving part
of my efforts, and in so doing are denying me the pleasure of
giving which is the reason I exist.

I am therefore discontinuing my sharing with those who refuse to
experience this truest example of Christmas’ meaning.  But I will
take this opportunity to remind you of the Spirit of the Season
that you are forsaking.

St. Nicholas and later Santa Claus visited homes at night,
especially poor families, or those with children, to leave gifts.
The purpose of the clandestine visits were to provide gifts to
someone without them knowing who left them.  That way the recipient
could not feel obligated to return the favor.  It is much the same
way that God provided us with the gift of Eternal Life.  He sent
His Son to die for us, even before we knew who He was.  Then the
gift was completely free without obligation, it is ours for the

Your belief in those Santa presents under the tree are intended to
symbolize the same thing.  If you simply accept them, and don’t
question where they came from, or who pays for them, then the
pleasure is shared by the giver as well as the recipient.  The gift
can then be enjoyed without having to “match it” or return the

If you can agree with this reason for having Santa stay in our
celebration, you can take part in this sharing opportunity by
looking outside the door for gifts. (Just like St. Nicholas).  If
you still can’t see the advantage to believing in the need for
Santa, your gifts will be shared with someone else.

Enjoy the rest of your day, and the time you have with each other.

This piece of paper forever changed the way I look at Christmas.  It was a very memorable Christmas indeed. I think of it often, and what a fantastic gift the letter was – back then and again now.

I think it is just a good little reminder while we are all running around, crazed and trying to get things done.

Enjoy the season.

13 Responses to “Favorite Holiday Memory ~ Theme Thursday”

  1. 1 msscatter December 18, 2008 at 5:49 am

    1992? You got that letter when you were 20? Wow.

    I think everyone needs to read that letter every now and then.

  2. 2 Elisa December 18, 2008 at 6:42 am

    Wow – that was so powerful – and beautiful!!!

  3. 3 MGF December 18, 2008 at 7:09 am

    That is amazing letter. That is so cool htat he saved it and sent it to you.

    That is a great memory…..

  4. 4 Dawn December 18, 2008 at 9:00 am

    Aww, that made me teary eyed!
    What a sweet and memorable letter, I’m happy I had a chance to read it as well~

  5. 5 papastan December 18, 2008 at 9:39 am

    Thanks for thinking enough of the letter to still want to share it. Mom and I think Vickey is right tho’, we thought it was a few years before that that it was written. But maybe it was ‘cuz you were a “college kid” by then and just needed to have a gentle reminder, along with your brother especially.

    I think Michelle wanted to continue (maybe still does) to believe, cuz she realized that kids that believe in Santa get two gifts, one from parents and one from him : )

    Love you,

  6. 6 megan December 18, 2008 at 12:07 pm

    what lovely gift. thanks for sharing it with the rest of us. 🙂

  7. 7 Joanna December 18, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    How wonderful…..Its not something that everyone would get, I can see why it is a great memory.

  8. 8 thelandofka December 18, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    What a wonderful lettter and wonderful for you to share it with us. Thank you! It is a very important reminder of why we celebrate.

  9. 9 Christina December 18, 2008 at 6:37 pm

    You found it! Wow, it is every bit as special and powerful as you said. I love it!!

  10. 10 Cara December 18, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    Thanks for sharing Carrie, that was amazing. Sound like you have some pretty amazing parents too.

  11. 11 MommyBrain December 18, 2008 at 8:02 pm

    I’m not sure which is cooler: the beautiful letter or the fact that I actually remember you writing about the letter last year.

  12. 12 Maggie December 19, 2008 at 4:49 pm

    That letter is just gorgeous. I’m so glad that you were willing to share it!

  13. 13 arizaphale December 20, 2008 at 6:22 am

    I remember you writing last year and I am equally blown away by your parents’ writing. You know what? I think you ought to make it into a picture book! Seriously. How cool would that be????? Speak to a publishing house.

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