Crafty Tuesday

Are you tired of my excuses yet? No? Well, you’re back here looking for some sort of craftiness, so you can’t be too disgusted with my lack of craft posts as of late.

I am currently working like mad on real, paying projects trying to pay my insanely ridculous tax bill that is looming in the not-too-distant future. So my pile of scrapping paper, and piles and piles of embellishments, and piles and piles and piles of photos are all sitting on my desk…just mocking me. Another week, untouched. But this weekend J. is going to be out of town, so there is a glimmer of hope. Soon, my pretties…soon.

Oh, and also – that triathlon thing that I talked about so, so long ago? Well, it is also this weekend. So I’ve been trying to cram as many training sessions as I can before then. Maybe next Tuesday I can call myself a “successful crafty triathlete.” Oooh, I like the sound of that.

It has not been all work and no play around here, though. There has been a smidge of craftiness – just of the more homemaker, necessary type. Like baking (we have to eat, right?). Addie and I have been making all kinds of treats. When I ask her what she would like to do in our few hours together while Em is at school, she always answers, “Let’s make treats, Mama!” (Does that girl know the words to make Mama’s heart sing, or what?)

So today we made banana bread. It is my mom’s recipe that we grew up eating, except I add choco chips. So it becomes like a dessert. It is “dewiscious” according to Addie and Emma.


With today’s batch we got a little carried away with the chocolate chips. It is very chocolatey!

We also visited the garden center. I was looking for some other herbs for our garden and some geraniums for our hanging planters. Addie told me she wanted the “pink” flower. So I got her one to plant and take care of. And then she asked to pick one out for Em as well. (Also pink.) She is so thoughtful at the ripe old age of 2. It really is lovely to see.

We waited to plant until Em got out of school.


(Don’t ask – I have no idea what is going on with Ad’s hair today.)


Em was very careful and wanted to read the directions in order to pot her flowers…


Addie wanted to do it her own way…


At any rate, all our flowers and even a tomato plant, got potted this afternoon and our courtyard is starting to look very pretty.


Do you have some craftiness to show this week? I’m sure Kim does since I know she got to go scrap this weekend (so jealous!), and I know Stacy does, if nothing else check out the dress she made for the little one in her photo shoot yesterday. So amazing.

And speaking of sewing masterpieces, go check out the freakin’ adorable stuff over at My Sassy Pants, an etsy store that I found online today. She is going to make me one of these tees for Em for her birthday, only she is going to spell out “Gracie Girl.” How cute will that be?? I’m so excited about it – I know she’ll love it, too. I may have to get one of those pinafore tops, too. I wonder if she can make them in big girl sizes…like for me?

10 Responses to “Crafty Tuesday”

  1. 1 shell_newman March 4, 2008 at 3:21 am

    Ohh…I’m so jealous. I wish I was out visiting. Your banana bread is truly scrumptious! πŸ˜‰ Take care.

  2. 2 Vicky March 4, 2008 at 5:37 am

    I’m so jealous that you are planting flowers. UGH!

  3. 3 thelandofka March 4, 2008 at 6:37 am

    Well, I understand the working to pay the bills. The tax man cometh, doesn’t he??

    Thanks about the dress…the mom LOVED it and put it on her right away, but the pink one the mom brought was so cute, too. Girls are so fun to dress! I have a few more dresses to share today, too. πŸ™‚

  4. 4 Papa March 4, 2008 at 9:51 am

    How about you and Addie making banana bread to pay the tax bill??

    You could set up your bakesale table outside of an H & R Block office, then those lucky souls getting a refund could share some of it with you and buy a loaf (or two or three)

    If all else fails, you could hire Addie out as a domestic til the bill is paid. I mean it’s not like anyone actually has work papers in California, right?

  5. 5 Sassy March 4, 2008 at 10:20 am

    Thank you so much for ordering from My Sassy Pants.
    It is going to be a blast creating some custom goodies for your Beautiful Girls! I love the pictures, can they come over and help me with my patio? We live in Southern Texas, come on Y’all!

  6. 6 kim March 4, 2008 at 10:47 am

    Do you know how jealous I am? You’re planting and we’re still bundling up against the 33 degree day!!! I want outside!!!!!
    Here are a few of the pages I worked on this week:

  7. 7 Maggie March 4, 2008 at 11:47 am

    I agree with Kim, I am TOTALLY jealous of the fact that you are outside, let alone outside with no coats on!

    I did a lot of scrapbook pages this weekend, but didn’t take any pictures of them. Oh well.

    And good luck in your triathalon this weekend – you had better have some pictures to share!

  8. 8 Swistle March 4, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    AAAAAAAGH, cuteness seizure!

  9. 9 Christina March 5, 2008 at 7:04 am

    You’ve always got so much going on. That banana bread looks yummy. N and I did some planting a few days ago, too – but only a little kids greenhouse, and I’m crossing my fingers that I can keep it alive! I am not talented when it comes to plants. I love Addie’s style, made me laugh. :o)

    God luck on the triathalon – you can do it!!!!!

  1. 1 Crafty Tuesday « Barely Controlled Chaos Trackback on April 1, 2008 at 1:17 am

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